Beginners Meeting

15 September 2024

Beginners meetings are at the Astronomy Site at Broemmelsiek Park on the Friday closest to the first quarter Moon of the month.  The Saturday following will be a rain out date.  Check with our Face Book page for latest.   Map to Broemmelsiek Park.

For the next few months, the dates will be

September 27, 2024 - rainout September 28

October 11, 2024 - rainout October 12

November 8, 2024 - rainout November 9

December 8, 2024 - rainout December 9

The Friday meetings are held concurrently with the regularly scheduled Friday Night Open Houses  so there will be lots of activities available.  Specifically for beginners, we will show how to set up and operate a small to medium telescope and how to find objects in the sky.  We will demonstrate how to use a free smart phone app to help point the telescope to other, more difficult-to-find objects even in mildly light polluted skies.  We will have suggestions for observing programs to get you started star gazing.

You may bring telescopes and other equipment you may need help with.

Free and open to the public.